Gmenu2x V0.9-test1


Certified Guru
May 19, 2006
Como (Italy)
Hi guys, I've had this in a near ready state for a long time but lack of time delayed the release.

I need to have this thing tested to find out if everything is working fine.
0.9 is not finished yet but I need some feedback, especially on the ram timings setting, I don't think it's working as it should at the moment...
The directory structure of the program has changed a lot so you should start with a fresh install, but it should be safe to copy over the links and gmenu2x.conf from older versions.

Here's the changelog for this version:
Added option to tweak ram timings
Added skins support
Reworked the interface a little
Added support for translations (Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Germany, French, 
Portuguese and Swedish included)
Use of a new font code which supports (some) utf8 characters
Added graphics for gp2x buttons
Fixed flickering in various locations
Fixed bugs in the manuals navigation system

This is meant to be a beta version so bugs are expected to be present
Awesome! The option for tweaked ram timings great...!

I'll have to wait to come home from school, but I will test this.
Can I setup my own translation? Is it in a config-file or is it coded in? I really like to add norwegian to the release...

Thanks for all your hard work,
Thanks for this Ryo, your menu is a great addition on top of the original firmware.

Out of curiosity, what caused the 'flickering'?

- Alex
Ok, report:

The language option is useless. English text is correct but German text is completely garbage: No displaying of special letters like ß ä ö ü and (sometimes) EVERY letter after those letters is gone. Many Text overlapping in the settings menus and many displaying of senseless signs e.g in the Gmenu config screen on the bottom line. NO text in the settings menu for the links -sometimes- complete white window without text. (and it is much larger than normal.) I had tried to use different gp2x letter-codes (I usualy use Iso-8859-15) but no effect. Iso-8859-15 let me see the "edit link"-window-text but the garbage-letters are still there, choosen UTF8-code in the gp2x system settings is much much more garbage :lol:
Also, not all txt is translated e.g. in the settings-section.
After I played duke2x (tried with the RAM-Tweaks), then back in the menu the LCD-adjust was garbage. Hard Flickering.
And the scrolling in graphical manuals are still to fast. There should be a "break" after each screen.

Phew... this was, what i could find out in 10 Minutes...more to come maybe :lol:
Ok, the corruption after returning to gmenu2x with ram timings enabled was a known issue, what I would like to know is if in the game the ram timings settings were correct (if there was any performance improvement...).

The special letters should be present in the new font included, but the liquido skin still uses a modified version from the old release... Are you using that skin? Avoid testing with liquido for now...

I'll reduce the speed in the manual, didn't notice that...

Alex. posted on Mar 5 2007 at 03:05 PM said:
Out of curiosity, what caused the 'flickering'?

My fault... I was blitting a mix of hardware and software surfaces...
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Ryo posted on Mar 5 2007 at 04:51 PM said:
Ok, the corruption after returning to gmenu2x with ram timings enabled was a known issue, what I would like to know is if in the game the ram timings settings were correct (if there was any performance improvement...).

The special letters should be present in the new font included, but the liquido skin still uses a modified version from the old release... Are you using that skin? Avoid testing with liquido for now...

I'll reduce the speed in the manual, didn't notice that...

Alex. posted on Mar 5 2007 at 03:05 PM said:
Out of curiosity, what caused the 'flickering'?

My fault... I was blitting a mix of hardware and software surfaces...

EDIT: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH SOOOOOOOOOO! :lol: YES, it was the Liquido special letters. ^^"" Sorry I am so liquidoized that I didn't try any other skin. ^^"""""

and it could be cool if the (great!) skin-selection would also automaticly alter the bottom/head-bar color/transp. Options as well as the selection-options so they would match to each skin. Liquido for example has no visible bars.
AND after the 255 R/G/B/A value you should reach 0 so you dont need to scroll all 255 values back to reach 0 ;) (I'm lazy)
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Greatness! I have been holding off upgrading to 0.8, since it sounded so much like 0.9 was around the corner at that moment...And now it is! Wheeee!!!!

/Me happy
Since this is a beta, I'll make a suggestion:

When launching a game, the last frame displayed by the previously launched game appears on the screen for about a second, until the new game loads. Could you blit a black rectangle after launching a file, or after exiting, to prevent this from happening?

Keep up the great work Ryo, this is easily one of the most useful software the GP2X has got :)

- Alex
Great stuff Ryo. :D

My screen is now flicker free and has never looked better.

A side note for anyone like me who will be installing over their exisiting Gmenu2x install;

I experienced text corruption as I was using the Carbon skin pack, but I just copied the default font over to correct it. I also had missing text for the browser selector, the bit that tells you how to navigate around the directories and exit the browser, then I noticed the buttons folder in the skin menu and got that copied over and sorted that problem out.

And apart from having to set the new icon locations I was able to use all my existing links.

Thanks again Ryo for making this application even better. :D
Alex. posted on Mar 6 2007 at 02:08 AM said:
Since this is a beta, I'll make a suggestion:

When launching a game, the last frame displayed by the previously launched game appears on the screen for about a second, until the new game loads. Could you blit a black rectangle after launching a file, or after exiting, to prevent this from happening?

Keep up the great work Ryo, this is easily one of the most useful software the GP2X has got :)

- Alex

2nd.... It really kills a lot of the fine image...
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The old USB-Bug is still in the Gmenu:
When you have a USB-Connection to the PC, the copied Files are shown in the PC Explorer or whatever but not shown in the GP2X (via menu, explorer or application) You have to reset the GP2X so he can "see" (and use!) the files. Problem is, that the SD-Filesystem don't see the changed Size of free/used memory-space.
Only chkdsk fix the mess. (GP2X says i have 300MB free space but I only have 100MB free space for example)

I think I'm not the only one with this problem. :(

And i think I modify the ger. translation a little bit. :lol: Things like RAM-Timing-option description and other words are not translated yet.
With regards to the flicker.. does it effect craig amp ? with the stutters... or is that an entirely different problem with craig amp ? I`m pretty sure I can run that on the stock menu and my mp3`s don`t judder...
Well it looks nicer now. I'll test tomorrow if it flickers with TV-out.

EDIT: BUG: I just played RACE! and upon exiting I'm getting rapid field flickering. The flickering goes away when you load a program, however, it returns as soon as you exit again.
EDIT2:Also loading DrPockeSNES from GMenu causes this flickering to happen in DrPocketSNES, and returning to GMenu it's as described above.
The possibility to associate colors of the interface to each skin is already planned.

PokeParadox posted on Mar 6 2007 at 11:55 PM said:
Well it looks nicer now. I'll test tomorrow if it flickers with TV-out.

EDIT: BUG: I just played RACE! and upon exiting I'm getting rapid field flickering. The flickering goes away when you load a program, however, it returns as soon as you exit again.
EDIT2:Also loading DrPockeSNES from GMenu causes this flickering to happen in DrPocketSNES, and returning to GMenu it's as described above.

I suppose this is with ram timings enabled. It may be that the flickering is caused by ram timings not being reseted on returning to the menu and to the clock being a lot lower... Just a guess, but I'll check that.

To users having issues with the usb connection: please test if replacing "scripts/" with this fixes them
modprobe net2272
if [ $1 = "nand" ]; then modprobe g_file_storage file=/dev/loop/7
elif [ $1 = "root" ]; then modprobe g_file_storage file=/dev/mtdblock/3
else modprobe g_file_storage file=/dev/mmcsd/disc0/part1
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