Claym99: At 250mhz OC and advanced RAM timings, the sound in FFT:Advance is much better and the game is perfectly playable for the minute or two I had it loaded. At normal OC and no RAM timing changes, the sound still is very clippy and laggy. I didn't spend any time trying different buffer sizes, however.
Zodttd: I've tried all three Castlevania games. Two of them still have the annoying 2-3 second sound delay. However, Aria of Sorrow has near-perfect sound, now. Ironically, Aria is not listed in the game config .TXT file. The one Castlevania ROM listed in the txt file is Circle of the Moon, and I have the exact ROM it specifies (verified with Wordpad). CotM still exhibits the sound delay, however.
Another bug I noticed, not sure if it's been reported yet, is if you select "Cheats and MISC options" from the main menu, only after a ROM is loaded, the entire emu freezes. If you go into it right off the bat before loading any roms, it displays the proper options. Not sure if that section of the emu has even started to be ported, however.
I am going to test further, now. The performance and sound quality are very good, now. Just a tiny little bit of sound clicks I've noticed, but NOTHING like before. Thanks so much!